National AIDS Control Program has been successful in winning the HIV component of the C19RM Grant
It is with great pride that the National AIDS Control Program has been successful in winning the HIV component of the C19RM grant. The first and foremost intervention is Covid testing of the HIV community. We have a framework ready for testing 46,912 PLHIV, 150,227 Key Populations and 2500 jail inmates in the first year of the grant. Furthermore, the other activities linking the HIV community health care to the Sehat Sahulat Program in 10 centers by expediting separate desks in OPDs, so that the health care of the community is strengthened and stigma and discrimination is reduced. The National AIDS Control Program has also proactively won funds for interventions related to reduce the escalating rate of Gender-Based Violence in the Covid-19 pandemic and for the first time is launching the concept of a safe house with a 24/7 helpline in this lieu and going to conduct workshops with PACPs, UNDP, UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, UNODC, APLHIV, CBOs and other civil society stakeholders.