Mission & Vision


  • Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination is committed for helping the people of Pakistan to maintain and improve their health and to make our population among the healthier in the region.


  • To improve the health of all Pakistanis, particularly women and children by providing universal access to affordable, quality, essential health services which are delivered through a resilient and responsive health system, capable of attaining the sustainable development goals and fulfilling its other global health responsibilities.


  • In line with the national health vision (2016-2025) document, M/O NHSR&C has adopted the following objectives to improve the health and wellbeing of Pakistanis:

    a)    Provide A Unified Vision To Improve Health While Ensuring Provincial Autonomy And Diversity
    B)    Build Coherence Between Federal And Provincial Efforts By Consolidating Progress, Learning From Experience, And Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage 
    C)    Facilitate Synchronization Across International Reporting And Treaties
    D)    Ensure Coordination For Regulation, Information Collection, Surveillance, And Research On Improved Health Systems
    E)    Create A Foundational Basis For Charting And Implementing SDGS In Partnership With Other Sectors